- Words: delighted, thrilled, ecstatic, overjoyed, blissful, content, cheerful, gleeful, radiant, jubilant, buoyant, upbeat, chipper
- Phrases: I’m over the moon, I’m on cloud nine, I’m walking on air, I couldn’t be happier, I’m absolutely delighted, I’m thrilled to bits, That makes my heart sing, I’m bursting with joy, I’m in a good mood, I’m feeling great.
- Words: sad, unhappy, miserable, down, depressed, gloomy, heartbroken, distraught, sorrowful, tearful, melancholic, despondent
- Phrases: I’m feeling down in the dumps, I’m a bit blue, I’m not myself, I’m feeling rather low, It’s such a letdown, I’m so disappointed, My heart is broken, I’m devastated, I’m gutted, I’m feeling rather sad.
- Words: angry, furious, irate, enraged, infuriated, livid, exasperated, annoyed, frustrated, irritated, cross, mad
- Phrases: I’m so angry I could spit nails, I’m fuming, I’ve had enough, That’s the last straw, I’m losing my patience, It drives me up the wall, I’m at my wit’s end, I’m fed up, I’m sick and tired of it, I’m so frustrated.
- Words: scared, afraid, frightened, terrified, anxious, worried, nervous, apprehensive, jittery, panicky, petrified, uneasy
- Phrases: I’m scared stiff, I’m shaking in my boots, I’m on edge, I’m worried sick, I’m having kittens, My heart is racing, I’m a bundle of nerves, I’m dreading it, I’m full of anxiety, I’m losing sleep over it.
- Words: surprised, shocked, amazed, astonished, stunned, speechless, flabbergasted, dumbfounded, gobsmacked (British slang)
- Phrases: I was completely taken aback, I couldn’t believe my eyes, My jaw dropped, I was speechless, That’s a bolt from the blue, I nearly jumped out of my skin, I was completely stunned, I’m in shock, That’s unbelievable, You could have knocked me over with a feather.
- Words: loving, affectionate, fond, passionate, romantic, devoted, caring, adoring, enamoured, smitten, besotted
- Phrases: I’m head over heels in love, I adore you, I’m crazy about you, I’m so in love with you, I love you to bits, I cherish you, You mean the world to me, I’m so lucky to have you, I can’t live without you, You’re my everything.
- Words: excited, thrilled, eager, enthusiastic, anticipatory, keyed up, pumped up, stoked (slang), buzzing
- Phrases: I’m so excited I can’t wait, I’m counting down the days, I’m really looking forward to it, I’m on the edge of my seat, I’m so thrilled, I’m buzzing with excitement, I’m full of anticipation, I’m itching to go.
Neutral/Mildly Positive/Negative:
- Words: fine, okay, alright, good, well, not bad, so-so, okayish, not great, not too bad, a bit tired, a bit stressed
- Phrases: I’m doing okay, I’m hanging in there, It could be worse, It is what it is, I’m a bit under the weather, I’m feeling a bit off, I’m just a bit tired.
How was your weekend?
Neutral: “It was alright, thanks. Pretty standard, really.”
Emotional: “It was lovely, actually. Really relaxing, just what I needed.”
Very Emotional: “Oh, it was absolutely brilliant! Best weekend I’ve had in ages! I had such a laugh with my mates/family.”
Neutral: “Oh, it was alright. Nothing special, a bit of a non-event, really.”
Emotional: “It was a bit rubbish, to be honest. Just one of those weekends where everything seemed to go wrong. I’m glad it’s over.”
Very Emotional: “Oh, it was absolutely dreadful. A complete disaster from start to finish. I don’t even want to talk about it. Just a nightmare.”
How do you like your new job?
“It’s going well, thanks! I’m settling in and starting to get the hang of things. Everyone seems really nice.”
“I’m really enjoying it so far! The team is lovely, and I’m excited about the work I’m doing. It feels like a great fit for me.”
Very Emotional:
“I absolutely love it! Honestly, it’s been such a brilliant change—I feel so inspired and motivated every day. The people are fantastic, and I’m just over the moon to be part of it all!”
Neutral: “It’s alright. Still settling in, to be honest. Bit different from what I was expecting.”
Emotional: “It’s a bit of a struggle, if I’m honest. The workload’s quite heavy, and I’m not sure I’m quite gelling with the team yet. Hoping it gets better.”
Very Emotional: “Oh, it’s absolutely awful. I hate it. I’m completely miserable. I’m starting to think I’ve made a huge mistake. I can’t wait to leave.”
How was your meal?
Neutral: “It was nice, thanks. Perfectly fine.”
Emotional: “It was lovely, actually. Really tasty, and just what I fancied.”
Very Emotional: “Oh, it was absolutely gorgeous! Honestly, the best meal I’ve ever had!
Neutral: “It was alright. A bit bland, to be honest. Nothing special.”
Emotional: “It wasn’t great, actually. A bit disappointing. It was a bit overcooked/undercooked/salty, and the service was a bit slow.”
Very Emotional: “Oh, it was absolutely dreadful. Honestly, the worst meal I’ve had in ages! It completely ruined the evening.”