В английском языке существует множество способов выразить вежливость, от самых резких до самых тактичных. Уровни вежливости зависят от контекста, отношений между людьми и культурных особенностей.
Asking someone to leave.
1. Резкость (Bluntness)
- Прямые указания: “Leave now.” (Уходи сейчас же.)
- Грубые выражения: “Get out!” (Проваливай!)
2. Нейтральность (Neutrality)
- Вежливые просьбы: “Please leave.” (Пожалуйста, уходите.)
- Формальные выражения: “I would appreciate it if you could leave.” (Я был бы признателен, если бы вы могли уйти.)
3. Вежливость (Politeness)
- Косвенные просьбы: “Would you mind leaving?” (Не могли бы вы уйти?)
- Извинения: “I’m sorry, but I need you to leave.” (Извините, но мне нужно, чтобы вы ушли.)
- Объяснения: “I have an early meeting tomorrow, so I need to get some rest.” (У меня завтра рано встреча, поэтому мне нужно отдохнуть.)
4. Тактичность (Tact)
- Деликатные выражения: “I understand you’re having a good time, but it’s getting late.” (Я понимаю, что вы хорошо проводите время, но уже поздно.)
- Предложения: “Perhaps we could continue this another time.” (Возможно, мы могли бы продолжить это в другой раз.)
- Юмор: “I’m afraid I have to kick you out now.” (Боюсь, мне придется вас выгнать.)
More examples
Extremely Rude
- “Get the hell out of here before I make you regret it.”
- “Leave, you idiot. No one wants you here.”
- “Get lost, and don’t come back.”
- “Just go already. You’re not welcome here.”
- “Why are you still here? Get out.”
- “Leave. Now.”
- “I think it’s time for you to go.”
- “You should probably head out now.”
- “We’re done here, so you can leave.”
- “I’m sorry, but I need to ask you to leave now.”
- “Would you mind heading out? It’s getting late.”
- “I think it’s time to wrap things up. Thank you for coming!”
Extremely Polite
- “I really appreciate your visit, but I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave now.”
- “It’s been wonderful having you here, but I need to attend to some other matters. Would you mind heading out?”
- “Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you don’t mind, but I need to excuse myself and ask you to leave as well.”
Where is my phone?
Extremely Rude
- “Where the hell is my phone?!”
- “Did you take my phone or something? Give it back!”
- “Who the fuck moved my phone?!”
- “Where’s my phone? Did you touch it?”
- “Why can’t anyone ever leave my stuff alone? Where’s my phone?”
- “Where’s my phone? You better not have lost it.”
- “Do you know where my phone is?”
- “Have you seen my phone?”
- “I can’t find my phone. Any idea where it is?”
- “Excuse me, could you tell me where my phone is?”
- “Would you happen to know where I left my phone?”
- “If you don’t mind, could you help me find my phone?”
Extremely Polite
- “I’m so sorry to bother you, but would you kindly help me locate my phone?”
- “If it’s not too much trouble, could you please let me know if you’ve seen my phone?”
- “I hope I’m not interrupting, but I seem to have misplaced my phone. Could you assist me in finding it?”
Asking someone to keep the voice down (попросить кого-то говорить тише).
Extremely Rude
- “Shut the hell up! No one wants to hear your loud mouth!”
- “Do you always have to be so obnoxiously loud? Keep it down, idiot!”
- “Hey, can you stop yelling? It’s annoying.”
- “Do you mind not being so loud? Some of us are trying to focus here.”
- “Hey, could you lower your voice a bit?”
- “Can you keep it down, please?”
- “I’m sorry, but would you mind speaking a little quieter? Thank you!”
- “Could you please lower your voice a bit? I’d really appreciate it.”
Extremely Polite
- “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but would you be able to speak a little softer? I’d be so grateful!”
- “Excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt, but would it be possible to lower your voice slightly? Thank you so much for understanding!”
Ask someone to stop complaining (попросить перестать жаловаться).
Extremely Rude
- “Shut the hell up already! No one cares about your whining.”
- “Can you stop bitching for five seconds? It’s exhausting.”
- “Do you ever stop complaining? It’s getting old.”
- “Enough with the negativity. No one wants to hear it.”
- “Hey, can we talk about something else? This is bringing the mood down.”
- “I get it, but maybe we can focus on solutions instead of just complaining.”
- “I understand you’re frustrated, but could we try to focus on the positives for a bit?”
- “I hear you, but maybe we could take a break from the complaints and talk about something lighter?”
Extremely Polite
- “I really value your perspective, but I wonder if we could shift the conversation to something more uplifting? I think it might help us both feel better.”
- “I completely understand how you feel, and I’m here to support you. Would it be okay if we took a moment to focus on something positive?”
Leave me alone (просьба не беспокоить меня).
Extremely Rude
- “Get the hell away from me!”
- “Fuck off and leave me alone!”
- “Go away, you annoying piece of trash!”
- “Leave me alone, will you?”
- “Stop bothering me!”
- “Just go away already!”
- “I need some space right now.”
- “Can you give me a moment alone?”
- “I’d rather be by myself for a bit.”
- “I’d appreciate it if you could give me some space.”
- “Would you mind leaving me alone for a while?”
- “I need some time to myself, if that’s okay.”
Extremely Polite
- “I hope you don’t mind, but I’d really like some time alone right now.”
- “If it’s not too much trouble, could I please have a moment to myself?”
- “I kindly request a bit of privacy at the moment, if that’s alright with you.”
How was your meal?
Extremely Rude
- “This is absolute garbage. Did you even try? I wouldn’t feed this to my dog.”
- “What kind of chef cooked this? It’s disgusting. I want my money back, and I’m never coming back here.”
- “This is terrible. I can’t believe you’re serving this.”
- “Did you even taste this before sending it out? It’s awful.”
- “This isn’t what I expected. It’s not very good.”
- “The meal doesn’t really meet my taste. I’m a bit disappointed.”
- “I’m sorry, but this dish isn’t quite to my liking. Could we possibly have it remade or try something else?”
- “I think there might have been a mistake with my order. It doesn’t taste quite right. Could you please take a look?”
Extremely Polite
- “I hate to trouble you, but I think there might be something off with my meal. Would it be possible to have it checked or replaced? I really appreciate your help.”
- “Thank you for your service. I’m not entirely satisfied with this dish—it’s not quite what I was hoping for. Could we discuss other options, please?”