1. Sentence Structure
Basic Sentence Order: Subject + Verb + Object (SVO)
🔹 She (S) eats (V) an apple (O).
Questions: Use auxiliary verbs (do, does, did, is, are, was, were)
🔹 Do you like pizza?
🔹 Is she coming?
2. Parts of Speech
Nouns – People, places, things, or ideas (dog, London, happiness)
Pronouns – Replace nouns (he, she, they, it, we)
Verbs – Action or state (run, be, have, eat)
Adjectives – Describe nouns (big, beautiful, fast)
Adverbs – Describe verbs, adjectives, or sentences (quickly, very, always)
Prepositions – Show relationships (on, in, under, next to)
Conjunctions – Connect words or sentences (and, but, because, although)
3. Verb Tenses & Forms
Present Simple: Used for routines, facts, and general truths.
🔹 I work every day.
Past Simple: Used for completed past actions.
🔹 She went to the market yesterday.
Future Simple: Used for future actions.
🔹 They will visit next week.
💡 Common Mistakes:
🚫 She go to school every day. → ✅ She goes to school every day.
🚫 I was go to the party. → ✅ I went to the party.
4. Subject-Verb Agreement
The verb must match the subject in number.
🔹 She likes coffee. (singular)
🔹 They like coffee. (plural)
💡 Common Mistake:
🚫 He go to school. → ✅ He goes to school.
5. Articles (a, an, the)
A / An – Used with singular, non-specific nouns
🔹 I saw a cat.
🔹 She wants an apple.
The – Used with specific nouns
🔹 I saw the cat (that we talked about).
💡 Common Mistake:
🚫 I bought an book. → ✅ I bought a book.
6. Modal Verbs (can, could, must, should, would, etc.)
Can – Ability / permission (I can swim.)
Must – Obligation (You must wear a seatbelt.)
Should – Advice (You should study more.)
Would – Hypothetical / polite requests (I would like a coffee.)
7. Prepositions (in, on, at, etc.)
In – Used for months, years, and large places (in 2023, in New York)
On – Used for specific dates or surfaces (on Monday, on the table)
At – Used for exact times and locations (at 5 PM, at the door)
💡 Common Mistake:
🚫 I was born on 1998. → ✅ I was born in 1998.
8. Comparatives & Superlatives
Comparative: Used to compare two things (-er or more)
🔹 She is taller than me.
Superlative: Used for the highest degree (-est or most)
🔹 He is the smartest in class.
💡 Common Mistake:
🚫 She is more taller than me. → ✅ She is taller than me.
9. Conditional Sentences (If clauses)
Zero Conditional: Facts (If you heat water, it boils.)
First Conditional: Real future possibility (If it rains, I will stay home.)
Second Conditional: Hypothetical (If I had a car, I would drive.)
Third Conditional: Past regret (If I had studied, I would have passed.)
10. Common Mistakes to Avoid
🚫 I didn’t went to school. → ✅ I didn’t go to school.
🚫 He don’t like coffee. → ✅ He doesn’t like coffee.
🚫 She has 25 years. → ✅ She is 25 years old.